- Cancer screening is a simple and routine health check that could save your life.
- Cancer is easier to treat if detected early. It also gives you more and better options for treatment.
- Screening takes a few minutes, but it could save your life.
- The EU aims for 90% of people who qualify to get screened for breast, cervical and colorectal cancer by 2025.
- Take a few minutes for yourself and your health #GetScreenedEU #EUCancerPlan

In 2020, in the EU more than 1.3 million people lost their lives cancer. 2.7 million were diagnosed.
Cancer is easier to treat if detected early. Screening can lead to early diagnosis which increases options for treatment, saves lives and improves quality of life.
Cancer Screening programmes are organised and carried out by each European country or region. Cancer screenings are usually simple and routine health checks that take only a few minutes. Find out more by clicking on your country below.
Through Europe's Beating Cancer Plan, the Europe Union aims to turn the tide against cancer with actions to support prevention, early detection, treatment and care as well as quality of life after diagnosis.

Cancer Screening: Take a few minutes for you and your health
- Breast cancer
Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women in the EU. Early detection provides better options for treatment and can save your life.
- Cervical cancer
It is estimated that 1 woman in 111 is at risk of developing cervical cancer. Screening is a simple and routine health check that could save your life.
- Colorectal cancer
Colorectal cancer is the second most diagnosed cancer in women and the third most diagnosed cancer in men. Screening increases your treatment options and improves your quality of life.
National screening programme (breast, colorectal and cervical cancer screening)
National screening programme (lung cancer screening)
National screening programme (general preventive programme that includes cancer screenings)
National screening programme (general information on cancer prevention, including lifestyle factors and vaccinations against HPV and Hep B)
National screening programme (breast cancer screening)
National screening programme (cervical cancer screening)
What's the EU doing?
Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan is a political commitment to turn the tide against cancer.
Early detection through cancer screening plays a pivotal role in reducing the burden of cancer and saving lives. The EU Cancer Plan has set a target for 90% of those who qualify to be offered breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening by 2025.

The new EU cancer screening scheme provides consistent and effective cancer screening programmes across the EU. To support this, the EU has developed cancer screening guidelines to help EU countries implement their national screening programmes.
This initiative is part of the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan to tackle cancer and improve public health.

The proportion of people who take up their cancer screening invitations varies between and within different EU countries. Country Cancer Profiles developed under the European Cancer Inequalities Registry help to identify challenges and share best practices between EU countries to help them countries address cancer inequalities.

EU4Health funded projects on early detection
Cancer screening campaign media kit
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