Põhisisu juurde
Cancer Screening Campaign
Vähi sõeluuringute kampaania

Leidke aega oma tervise heaks #GetScreenedEU #EUCancerPlan


Vähi sõeluuringud: leidke aega oma tervise heaks

Cancer screening is a simple and routine health check that could save your life – it only takes a few minutes, but it could save your life
  • breast cancer

    Rinnavähk on ELis naistel kõige sagedamini diagnoositud vähk. Varajane avastamine pakub paremaid ravivõimalusi ja säästab teie elu.

  • cervical cancer

    Hinnanguliselt on ühel naisel 111st risk nakatuda emakakaelavähki. Sõeluuring on lihtne ja rutiinne tervisekontroll, mis võib päästa teie elu.

  • colorectal cancer

    Jämesoolevähk on naistel teine ja meestel kolmas enim diagnoositud vähktõve liik. Sõeluuring suurendab ravivõimalusi ja parandab teie elukvaliteeti.

Vähi sõeluuringud teie riigis

Mida EL teeb?

Programmist „EL tervise heaks“ rahastatud varajase avastamise projektid

  • 14. jaanuar 2025
In partnership with a network of consortium members, PRAISE-U works to ensure early detection and diagnosis of prostate cancer through customised and risk-based screening programmes.
  • 4. juuni 2024
CanScreen-ECIS aims to develop & pilot a new screening data management system to be integrated to European Cancer Information System (ECIS). The project will refine existing cancer screening indicators and will suggest new ones for lung cancer. It will pave the way for 3rd European Screening Report...
  • 4. juuni 2024
As part of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, SOLACE will support EU Member States with the implementation of lung cancer screening programmes and will provide a toolbox for individualised approaches. This will ensure access to screening for people from all social and economic groups.
  • 4. juuni 2024
TOGAS aims to provide the evidence-based knowledge needed to design, plan and implement gastric cancer prevention programmes. It will help policymakers across the EU incorporate gastric cancer screening into their healthcare priorities and balance effectiveness, feasibility and acceptability with po...

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